• Be a guest, interviewed by Steve Harper, on a publicly syndicated podcast

  • Offer an engaging, educational presentation (60-90 min.) to an exclusive audience of Ripple Members

  • Give a 10-15 minute talk to an exclusive audience of event attendees and participate for the duration of the event (approx. 2 hrs)

  • Write an exclusive article for a long-running blog

  • Approaching work and life with openness, honesty and courage to be yourself

  • Having a giving heart and a willingness to help others without conditions

  • Creating experiences that are personal, memorable and exceed expectation

  • I.e. being vulnerable, seen and heard; reconnecting with creativity, childlike imagination; cultivating self-worth

  • I.e. personality types, strengths, challenges; how childhood influences our ability to form meaningful, lasting relationships

  • I.e. living with vision; freedom to be expressed; developing assertiveness

  • I.e. connecting authentically in a digital world; identifying and letting go of toxic relationships

  • I.e. developing a mindset for helping others; wearing a new lens on networking

  • I.e. time, attention and energy (and how to have more to give); listening as a superpower

  • I.e. overcoming fear of changing your approach; taking shallow connections deeper; quality over quantity

  • I.e. mining for gold in your established network; recovering stagnant, damaged or deficient relationships

  • I.e. doing the opposite; tribe-building (finding your people); creating your legacy

  • I.e. convening meetings and creating space for connecting; becoming a 'super-connector'

  • I.e. staying present and letting go of the past; centering yourself before interactions; navigating conflict with resilience vs. reactivity

  • I.e. managing/parenting, the Ripple way; better leadership in business and in life; sharing your connection stories to inspire others

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